Welcome to my blog about leadership, digitalization and career development in b2b sales!

I'm a B2B sales professional with over 10 years' experience in various technical sales roles and as a business development and sales consultant for chemical start-ups. I'm currently leading a team of market developers for a chemical distribution company. I'm a graduate in Business and Economics as well as Chemical Engineering.

Why this blog?

Throughout my leadership career, I have noticed that many leaders or "managers" struggle to find the right approach with their teams or just generally to apply the right leadership style. That's why I want to share what I've learned and experienced along the way.

Another reason is the digitalization of sales across the industries. It is not only changing the whole game, it is disrupting the way we used to work in B2B sales. It is taking us and our business to a whole new level. I'd like to share some of the positive aspects and results of doing B2B sales digitally.

Last but not least, career development. I have noticed that many salespeople who want to take the next step into leadership do not really know how to do it. Many simply give up along the way. Here I would like to share some of my views on how best to approach the next step in your career.

Enjoy reading and follow me on Twitter or LinkedIn to find out more about me and my career!


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  • Leadership highlights, latest scientific publications, success stories from real life and leadership hacks
  • Digital sales, how to build your sales team around digital marketing and align with the rest of the company
  • Job market, the latest jobs in leadership positions, as well as publications of your profile once you sign up for the newsletter

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Dealing with under performers in your team

Yes, it happens to all leaders once in a while: Hiring mistakes. This 3min article shows 10 aspects of dealing with under performers...

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Cold calling, dead or alive?

Many sellers claim cold calling is dead and shout for alternative ways to get new leads in. Another 3min for business, this time about cold calling and the real meaning behind it(and how artificial intelligence might be helpfull)...

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Artificial intelligence in B2B sales processes

Artificial intelligence is everywhere, it's all over the place and we are just at the starting point. That's why it's even more important to dive into the potential of this new technology for the processes in B2B sales...

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Artificial intelligence in leadership?

I noticed an interesting article about leadership being replaced by artificial intelligence. I think it's a topic which could be discussed for hours, but let me tell you what I think in three minutes...

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You lost your sales job during recession. What now?

It's recession and many companies are laying people off. It's a natural part of the game, but of course, it can have potentially terrible effects if it comes unexpected. Here some stats on the current situation and some advises how to deal with the situation.

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How to apply for a leadership position without leadership experience?!

Imagine finding the perfect vacancy: Your industry and a sales and management role! If you do not have any previous leadership experience it will be difficult to get invited. Here a few things you might consider upfront, in order to maybe succeed anyways...

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What is digital B2B sales and why it disrupts the industry

Embracing digital marketing means disrupting the sales process in the sheer basis. It means to speed up the closing of new business by providing an incredible source of information and reachability to your prospects...

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How to get promoted to manager in sales

Why can it be difficult to take the next step on the career ladder and get finally promoted? Well, for a variety of reasons, personal and non-personal. And of course, the right timing, or time frame, should be in your favor as well. This short article should give you a grasp of what you need to consider when you think about your next promotion.

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